About Us & Travel Photos

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Here are some travel pictures of myself and my family in the Bible Lands: Israel, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan and Greece. I want to thank GTI tours for these life-changing experiences. Going to these places in the Bible and learning about them gave me inspiration to make the maps and charts on this website for others enjoy & to learn from. 

Our posters are designed to help children understand the Bible in ways that they understand. We use pictures and simple wording to help children visualize the stories and verses in the Bible. Our Bible Posters are perfect posters to assist teachers and parents explain the Bible stories in a simple way. As someone told us, "This poster should be in every Sunday School room!"

The Bible Story Map -This map of Israel and surrounding countries includes the locations of the most famous Bible Stories like Moses, Daniel, Adam & Eve, Noah, Samson, Saul, Jesus' Birth, Joseph, Jonah, Ruth, Esther, etc. It's exciting to me to see all of the stories on one page and I enjoyed researching where they all took place. Even after 2000 or more years, many of the cities, lakes and seas referenced in the bible are still real places today! After taking a trip to the Bible Land and seeing them in real life, I was inspired to create a map like this to help children and adults visualize the Holy Land that we read about in the Bible.

Deuteronomy 11:20
…19"You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up. 20"You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates"

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Bible Story Map Owner
